Delivering a Quality Customer Experience for a Successful Digital Transformation


Maximizing organizational protocols, employee workflows, and data integrations are rightly regarded as foundational components of a successful digital transformation. However, chief information officers (CIOs) and other enterprise stakeholders must not forget the importance of delivering a quality customer experience.

The customer experience and its importance are highly influential in maintaining a sustainable digital infrastructure. While enterprises are doing what they can to digitize business processes and transform the global marketplace, digital transformation doesn’t occur without the persistence of the people. Digital and data transformation initiatives for businesses are built on the foundation of consumer pain points and growth imperatives, addressing the clients' unique needs as quickly as possible. The importance of improving end-to-end customer experiences drives successful digital transformation.

Digital Transformation Depends on Personalization

More than ever, consumers want personalized experiences with their services to develop a connection with a business or enterprise, with several stats available to prove their demand for personalization. Because of increased demand for more customizable, personable services, enterprise leaders are spearheading business model changes to adapt to today’s market reality. Consumers/clients want relevant content and services that meet their demands, regardless of the time, place, and device. The consumer journey determines the direction a digital transformation strategy goes. The data an enterprise accumulates and the market trends noticed by business leaders are dictated by consumer behavior. Hence, while enterprises make their business transition, they realize the importance of providing personalized services. Enterprises can increasingly offer timely, personalized solutions to their consumers through cloud services and data transformation.

Consumers are constantly connected, and to match the demand for personalized services, enterprises must embrace technology with open arms to deliver supreme consumer experiences. Enterprises are shifting from traditional and offline strategies to digital strategies, with global digital spending in 2021 topping the $700 billion mark, though optimal results are still yet to be achieved. The global pandemic is a partial yet considerable factor in increasing spending on digital transformation initiatives.

The Rise of the Digital Customer

As mentioned, today’s customers are always connected and looking out for services best suited to their unique needs. The increased implementation of digital technology and services has transformed consumer habits and created more digitally-conscious customers who are tech-savvy. Automation, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and mobile apps are among the digital technologies that meet changing customer expectations and instantly get customers what they want. Modern buyers are constantly aware of what they can do with technology. Because of how tech-savvy today’s consumers are, they seek out enterprises that rank highly with their digital customer experiences. Because of the rise of the digital customer, businesses need to think digital-first.

B2B sales teams, for example, should replace cold calling techniques with social selling considering that many consumers are active on social media. Rather than waiting for consumers to make first contact, businesses need to make the first approach, building relationships with customers and making them feel comfortable with their services. Marketing teams can similarly go digital-first by reducing spending on offline marketing initiatives like billboard and direct mail campaigns. Marketing teams need to initiate highly targeted messages using data-driven marketing strategies to communicate their initiatives.

Facilitating a More Holistic, People-First Approach

Digital transformation and business transition, by extension, are more wholesome as enterprises take more holistic, enterprise-wide approaches to deliver quality customer experiences.

Because people are central to the success or failure of digital transformation strategies, digital customer-facing interactions and processes must be delivering customer experience optimization goals. All digital touchpoints used should be so valuable that digital customers have the desire to use them rather than use the more expensive digital tools they’re utilizing today.

Understanding the Pain Points of Customer Experience Efforts

Whenever enterprise leaders don’t have a strong understanding of the data they’ve collected of customers and their life cycle, digital transformation is required. Opting for data transformation improves personalization, allowing you to make vital changes regarding your data collection methods while connecting information through different steps along the customer journey. You identify challenges and opportunities with the customer experience through data transformation, improving your business intelligence and awareness.

Some enterprises struggle to offer more personalized services to their customers because they lack the proper alignment, data integration methods, and systems to do so. Additionally, they don’t understand the streamlined processes that facilitate transformation. By delivering a more optimal customer experience, digital transformation provides strong value, understanding your customer's wants and needs. Successful digital transformation enables the creation of more personalized services that are quick to access and more custom offers, increasing the possibility of repeat sales and brand loyalty.

Internal teams also need to be in sync for the connection between digital transformation and improved customer experiences to last. IT groups will need to be involved in some way despite SaaS platforms being put in place to ease the dependency on IT specialists. As reliable as SaaS platforms are, they fail to address other key pieces like security, access, support, and integration. Also, there is a dependency on technology from various departments simultaneously, including human resources and operations.

As you accelerate your digital transformation initiatives, you have to explore all elements of the customer journey and determine these two things:

  • Whether you can meaningfully measure customer progress from beginning to end. If not, what integrations or systems would be useful to connect to help with the measurement.
  • Do customers have the clearest path to complete the journey. And, if they don’t have that path, can the enterprise solve their problems using digital transformation.

Customers will always sense a disconnect. So being able to optimize internal processes to provide functional strategies will ensure the customer experience journey is worthwhile.

For a quality customer experience, you need to understand how data work and know the parameters of your technology, so digital transformation has its desired effect. Aviskaran will provide you with modern technological solutions to optimize your business processes, ranging from cloud consulting to digital solutions that boost business intelligence.
Contact us for more details on our various services.


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Aviskaran team
Content Writer, Aviskaran Technologies